Saturday, March 17, 2007


Well people will say its nostalgia, but it isnt. Every stage of life has been really special. In retrospect, I think I enjoyed most of it, even though it was anything but bliss. There were so many trials and tribulations. Well being homeless suddenly at 19 is not a great prospect(1), nor is your landlord being a kleptomaniac(2). Living 10 days in a month without money was also not a great accomplishment(3). But when I look back now, I can only feel elated at how passion was my only guiding principle. Yeah, at last I can define myself, an animal driven by passion.

I scored only one perfect grade all through my undergrad. The passion never sustained throughout any course. Even today I lose, again passion doesnt last throughout the game.

The reason that I suddenly find myself with(passion), is a good one, mainly because it has explained all the dichotomies that exist in me, all the characteristics inexplicable to any person who has come in contact with me.

The kottur gardens link road is still vivid in my mind, with its treat korner. So is RK foods.

What distinguish my undergrad years from my other years, is thats when I was outside all influence. I was responsible for everything I did. And to most part I dint have to ask permission(4). Suddenly now at 3:22 AM, I yearn for those streets. In my life, I have never missed anything. Till now. Theres sudden discord between my wants and availability.

I have a sudden feeling of elation as I realise that I have witnessed evolution(5). Yes I have just realised that I have been for years seeing detectable changes in my intellect (without knowing it). Like a sponge slowly absorbing water, the more and more exposed I become, everyday interpretations assume a new meaning...

And yet I evolve....

1) The great hostel crisis : the warden wanted a select group of us outside the hostel for some absurd excuse
2)There is no verifiable proof for this
3) I dont blame my parents. They gave lots of money, but at the beggining of the month. What resulted was obvious splurge on food. Atleast I dint splurge on gaming (zap)
4) My parents have been the most ideal. They stopped taking decisions for me since the time i had to choose an undergrad course. They love me a lot and are really concerned about me, but let me live in a world in which they have no say.
5) I wouldnt define evolution as a change to the better, because better is always subjective.


codeshepherd said...

evolution is the journey through time.. similar to aging.. am wondering if there is a biological equivalent for "journey through space".

nomad said...

journey through time is too simplistic.. evolution could be change, and a journey through time is a requirement for natural evolution... and at one level, space and time are interwined, isnt it??